![]() |
Sitecore V4 | Sitecore V5 |
External data import | |
Data Providers, Child providers | Data providers |
Linking Sitecore data | |
Linked database and virtual nodes | Proxy / Shadow Items |
Sitecore extensibility | |
Server Events | Event system |
Client Events | Sheer UI message system |
Http request lifecycle (hardcoded) | ‘httpRequestBegin’ pipeline |
- | Pipelines for core system actions |
- | User interface pipelines |
Template Controls | Custom Field Types |
Security | |
Hardcoded security engine | Security Domain |
- | Virtual users |
4.1. Importing External Data
Whether you need to import an Item along with its children or children only from outside of Sitecore, you should use data providers in Sitecore V5. Data providers replace both child providers and data providers in Sitecore V4, and offer more flexibility.
If you have relied on web index in Sitecore V4 to persist Item IDs, you should use IDTable mechanism in Sitecore V5.
Supplementary reading:
Integrating External Data Sources developer guide
- Shared source data provider implementations (Soap, Sql, Xml)
4.2. Linking Sitecore Data
With Sitecore V5 you can use proxy/shadow items to make Sitecore items appear in multiple places at the same time, both inside same database and between multiple databases. No custom code required.
Read more about proxy Items here:
4.3. Handling System Events
Instead of various Sitecore V4 handlers (like ItemEventHandler, MediaHandler, Publishing Handler and so on), Sitecore V5 offers unified event model.
Sitecore V5 events also address some of the shortcomings that Sitecore V4 handlers had.
To port your specific handler to Sitecore V5 you need to
- Find a Sitecore V5 event matching the handling type and your goal. Please refer to Using Sitecore Events article for a complete list of exposed events.
- Update your handler signature to match the event system. Parameters available to event handler depend on the actual event.
- Subscribe to the event. Typically this is done in sitecore/events section of web.config file
Say, you had an Item event handler that replaces all ‘*’ symbols in an Item’s name (taken from Sitecore V4 server events article):
public class CustomItemHandler : IItemEventHandler
//Replaces the "*" symbols on gaps
void IItemEventHandler.HandleSaved(IMasterItem itm, NameValueCollection configSettings)
string szTitle = itm.GetFieldValue("Title");
itm.GetLatestVersion().SetFieldValue("Title", szTitle.Replace("*"," "));
and the handler is registered in web.config in the following way:
<handler mode="on" assembly="CustomItemHandler" type="CustomItemHandler" CustomNodeTitle="New Item: "/>
4.4. Sitecore V5 Event
We will achieve the same result with Sitecore V5 event:
method of IItemEventHandler gets invoked on each item save in Sitecore V4. It corresponds to the “item:saved” event of Sitecore V5.
- “item:saved” event provides exactly the argument we need, that is Item that was saved. We will modify our handler method accordingly:
// no need to inherit from the base class or implement any interfaces
public class CustomItemHandler
// using common event handler method signature
public void OnItemSaved(object sender, EventArgs args)
// extracting the event parameter – in this case item that was saved
Item saved = Event.ExtractParameter(args, 0) as Item;
// Same logic we had in Sitecore V4, updated to use Sitecore V5 API
using (new EditContext(saved))
saved[“Title”] = saved[“Title”].Replace(“*”, “”);
then we subscribe our event handler to “item:saved” event in web.config
<event name="item:saved">
<!-- notice the change between how type is described in V4 and V5 -->
<handler type="CustomItemHandler, CustomItemHandler" method="OnItemSaved"/>
All other events are handled in the same way. If you have PublishHandler, you will need to subsribe to one of the “publish:begin”, “publish:end” or “publish:fail” events and use the provided Publisher to access the event data.
Supplementary reading:
4.5. Handling Client Events
Similar to server events, in Sitecore V5 client events evolved into a unified message system. Those who used messages in Sitecore V4 client script will feel familiar with this feature. Messages can be used both at client and server side in Sitecore V5 and are often used to communicate between two sides.
Message handlers are set up in web.config similar to the events:
<message name="system:logout" type="Sitecore.Web.UI.Framework.Security,Sitecore.Kernel" method="OnLogout"/>
<message name="system:publish" type="Sitecore.Web.UI.Framework.Items,Sitecore.Kernel" method="OnPublish"/>
<message name="system:preview" type="Sitecore.Web.UI.Framework.Items,Sitecore.Kernel" method="OnPreview"/>
<message name="system:rebuildlinkdatabase" type="Sitecore.Web.UI.Framework.Dialogs,Sitecore.Kernel" method="OnRebuildLinkDatabase"/>
<message name="dbupgrade:run" type="Sitecore.Modules.Upgrade.UI.MessageHandler,Sitecore.Upgrade" method="Run"/>
You can hook into the chain for any of the existing messages and also expose your own ones.
4.6. Replacing Webcontrols
This section contains information about replacing Sitecore 4 WebControls with equivalent Sitecore 5 Controls.
4.6.1. generator and iteminfo
When performing a migration from version 4 to version 5, replace generator and sc_iteminfo webcontrols shown below
<sc:generator runat="server" id="Generator1" />
<sc:iteminfo runat="server" id="Iteminfo1" />
with the following meta tags:
<meta name="generator" content="<%# Sitecore.Configuration.About.VersionInformation() %>" >
<meta name="sc_iteminfo" content="path=<%# Sitecore.Context.Item.Paths.Path.ToLower() %>; id=<%# Sitecore.Context.Item.ID.ToString() %>" >